4BrothersRC Remote Control Hobby

When we started our remote control airplane hobby, we made many mistakes. We know some of them were avoidable, while others were part of the learning process. It took us a multitude of builds and mistakes before we had a plane that would fly. We experienced plenty of frustration on the journey. 4BrothersRC wants to help you avoid some of our mistakes. We hope to help you save time, money, and frustration from the experience we’ve gained.

4BrothersRC is here to build, test, and modify all things RC, especially airplanes. This blog is to answer many of the same questions we are frequently and often asked. We will guide you through building planes, explaining and setting up radios, motors/amp draw/kv, batteries, and much more. Since we’re all kids, our mom also gets questions, so we’re collaborating to create this website. We will provide you with all the information you need to get anyone, especially youth, started into this hobby.

So How Much Does It Cost

It’s up to you, based on the features you choose to buy in a radio, charger, and other equipment. Your first plane is typically more expensive because you have to get a charger, power supply, radio, batteries, ESC, and motor. We spent around $250 for our first plane, but less than $100 for our second plane. By choosing to scratch build DIY style, we assure you, you’ll spend less money than buying a brand new ready to fly plane. Brand new, ready to fly planes, are a quick way to destroy the hobby with a crash and zero knowledge on how to repair, because you didn’t build it.

Flying with friends is more fun than flying alone. Our culture is lonely and people think they have friends because of social media, but in reality it’s a myth. A hobby with community is as important as the planes you fly. 4BrothersRC advanced much more quickly in the hobby because of guidance and mentors from pilots in our local RC club. We are just a little obsessed with the RC hobby and the relationships that have come with it. We think you may too!


RC Airplane Vector Jet Review

If you’re looking for a fast and agile jet to build, we have one for you! The RC Airplane Vector Jet caught our attention because we wanted a stealthy looking and easy to fly RC Jet. If building this plane has peaked your interest, here’s our take. Building For the building process, we printed the…